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Adult Drawing & Watercolor Abstraction Workshop

A Two Week Workshop with Espacia Maria

True abstraction can be difficult to teach.  However, helping students understand abstraction is essential in any art curriculum.  Why not use the art movement of Precisionism to help students make the mental transition from representational art and abstract art?  Precisionism is a form of abstraction in which hard lines and simplified forms represent objects from reality.  Most Precisionist artworks focused on Industrial imagery, although artists such as Georgia O'Keeffe strayed from this.  Encouraging students to look at objects close up, but draw them in a realistic manner can result in Precisionist looking works. This process is similar to Georgia O'Keeffe's large flower paintings.

TO REGISTER, Please call # 631.744.4001

Teacher Provides:

18" x 24" drawing paper

1 peice of Arches 9" x 12"

watercolors (I will provide all and place on your palette)

artist tape

still life 

images to draw from

What you will provide:

a board to provide support for your drawing paper and arches paper

water container for your water

rag or paper towels


colored pencils

2B pencil

kneaded eraser

color wheel 


Overview & Purpose:

Students will learn that abstraction can start with objects from reality and change according to the artists' discretion.  Students will produce a drawing that translates as an abstract drawing, than use watercolors from the image still life or view you are inspired by.  Weather permitting we will meet at Avalon Park in Stony Brook for a Plein Aire Session as well.  (if it rains we will do view another object and create it in the studio)